Tuesday, January 18, 2011

this woman's work

Rumors abound on the interwebs, mes chattons! Apparently, Kate Bush will be gracing our presence with some new material sometime this year. I think I might have peed a little!

Her spokesperson has been quoted in a carefully worded statement which indicates Kate is recording something new, but that doesn't necessarily mean she'll be releasing a full-length longplayer.

Seems to me that it will probably be a singles collection with a few new tracks tacked on the end for her salivating fans. By now, we are used to Kate's long droughts between musical rainshowers. Clearly, she's in no rush. After all, she has only released eight elpees in thirty years.

With her dedicated and patient fanbase, new music from Lady Bush is always seen as food from the gods. Since the release of "Aerial" in 2005, she has only released "Lyra", a song for the movie "The Golden Compass".

If a career retrospective is on the cards, it is long overdue. It's hard to believe "The Whole Story" was released in time for the Christmas market WAY back in 1986. In fact, it's the only hits collection Kate has issued to date.

As for new material, I hope she delivers more than one track. Kate's sumptuous, velvety soundscapes are beyond comparison. They live in a musical universe of their own. However, I'd like to hear something with a bit of tempo, as well.

When Kate gives good rhythm, we get this...

And when she goes all lush and lovey, we get this...

Gosh! The video for "This Woman's Work" brings me to the brink of tears everytime. Nearly everything Kate has released still gives me serious goosebumps. The strength and passion embedded in her work has not faded over time.

And who doesn't love the kooky, arty side of Kate?

Eccentric. Reclusive. Emotive. Genius. Always amazing! Kate really hasn't put a foot wrong. Let's hope she gets that new stuff in the "shops" tout de suite!

1 comment:

  1. I'm very excited even if the rumours amount to nought. it's got me rifling through her back catalogue and digging out the paper i once wrote on her red shoes mini movie/video thingy!! Almost as exciting as the return of Deb Gibson with the pan-sexual Snake Charmer!!
